Dr Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar
Immediate Past President of Iranian Association of Endodontists
Director of International Relations, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Cardiff University

pH of Pus Collected from Periapical Abscesses

Aim: To determine the pH of pus collected from periapical abscesses. Methodology Forty patients (Male = 17/Female = 23) between the ages 17 and 37 years, each with a periapical abscess and with no relevant medical history, were recruited. All the participants had moderate- to-severe pain on percussion accompanied by localized or generalized swelling. At least 1 mL of pus was aspirated from each participant using a No 20 gauge needle. A pH meter was used to define the pH of the pus immediately following aspiration.
Result: The mean pH of pus from the periapical abscesses of patients was 6.68 ± 0.324 with a range between 6.0 and 7.3. There was no statistically significant difference in pH by gender or age.
Conclusion: The mean pH of pus from periapical abscesses was generally acidic, but some samples (two female and three male) were neutral and some samples (four female and one male) were alkaline.

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